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Enter this URL into a podcast aggregator like ipodder of itunes. For itunes, go to Music Store, click on Podcast, scroll down
to the search bar, search "The Jew". We should be the first result! yeah!
"it's like a Jew-y, Hindu-y extravaganza of hilarity"
Right-Click here to download the video
IM the jew anytime: dakdakdakdak2000
and now for a short time only, IM the hindu if you wish: MrP the Legend
Welcome! We hope you enjoy our podcaste! Now, kick back and relax and let the soothful wrangling of a hindu and a jew wash
over you.

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In case this is your first visit to our website, let me present a little introduction. You may or may not have heard of podcasts.
They are recorded conversations most usually listened to on ipods. Well, a friend of mine and I have started one which we
have named 'The Hindu and The Jew' as I am a hindu and he is a jew. Yes, it does make sense, doesn't it. If you scroll down
to the bottom of this page you will see all the episodes listed by number. Also, on the left side of this page are fun links
which you should visit. Apart from that, we basically talk about life, the universe, and everything, ranging from rants to
actual proper critiquing of various items or occurrences.
So, Check us out!